Wiki HIM Education


Ashland, NH
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Hi - I'm just throwing this out hoping someone else has a similar experience. I do not have any college education currently...I am a high school graduate who has both CPC and CPB Certification. Now I am looking to start obtaining my HIM degree, however it appears that most are 4 year programs and this does not necessarily fit with my life (I work full time and have 2 children) so going to school for 4 years will really take 6 and I don't really have the $$ for a 4 year program. Anyway, I didn't know if anyone could point me in the right direction of a possible 2 year HIM Associate degree program that would be offered online.

Hi - If you go to the AHIMA website you can research for two year programs that offers an AAS Degree in Health Information Technology. After completing the program you will also be eligible to take the RHIT certification exam. There are several online programs. Devry University offer both the HIT and HIM program of study. Good Luck!
Hutchinson Community College has an excellent (completely online) HIM 2 year program. I just finished there this last May and will sit for my RHIT exam on November 14.