Wiki Hi AAPC


New Delhi, New Delhi
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There should be someone available from AAPC to clarify all questions related to ICD-10 coding to maintain the highest standard of coding.
Hi. totally agree with it.
On top of that, AAPC needs to shorten the waiting time before a staff/rep gets on the phone to assist a member calling.

I am going to disagree, here.

As certified coders, you all have the tools to research coding questions. You can also reach out to experts on this forum, and of course, the AHA's Coding Clinic as well as CMS can also provide information. A good coder does their research, reads their guidelines, applies the knowledge they've learned, and codes to the best of their ability. I really don't believe that is the AAPC's responsibility. You're the one with the coding certification.

Remember, ICD-10 is brand new for the US, and frankly there are still a lot of questions and bugs to be worked out. If you simply ask for answers rather than doing the research and work yourselves, you won't ever learn. That's advice that was given to me by the coder who taught me to code. I'm passing it on to you.
I agree with Pam. I have not even started my I10 training yet and have noticed several questions have been answered directly in the I10 guidelines. The first step should always be check the guidelines.
@Pam I know a good coder always need to update his/her knowledge on regular basis and we all coders know all guidelines, but at some points while coding live is difficult to make a decision no matter how experienced you are and how knowledgeable you that point an expert's view could be useful...AAPC and AHIMA should have some online tools accessible to all coders that is what I want to emphasize.
I'll agree with Pam here and I will also add that the AAPC is a credentialing organization. Not a coding operation. They exist to provide the industry with people whos abilities are in line with the industries needs. They also provide through their local chapter program a resource for those individuals willing to grow.
Nowhere in their charter is it described that they are responsible for providing hotlines to help coders.