Wiki HHS HCC coding guidelines

Bangalore, Karnataka
Best answers
Hello All,
I wanted to know if HHS has issued any new set of coding guidelines for capturing HHS Hcc's .

My second question was where can I Get the new list of HHS HCC (CMS HCC had 70 groups, My research on HHS HCC tell me there are 127 HHS HCc's.

My third question was whether DHHS has specified any specific coding certification valid for HHS HCC coding or whether we need to take up additional certification programs?

Kindly go through these questions and share your knowledge with all of us.

Everything right now is being based on previous MA RADV guidelines. HHS has yet to issue final guidance. HHS RADV training is expected to be released next Spring.

As far as the ICD-9 to HCC HHS table, I am not certain where you would get this. I only have access to it since I work with a payer who was able to obtain this. You are correct. There are 127 HCC listed for HHS HCC.

Lastly, in order to keep with HHS regulations, one most be a certified coder from AAPC or AHIMA w/ 2 years of coding experience.