Wiki Hernia surgery question

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One of our surgeons is questioning coding for an account. The procedure is
open recurrent incisional hernia repair with mesh. bilateral posterior rectus sheath advancement flap and bilateral ptransversus abdominus release with myofascial advacement flap. removal of old retrorectus mesh.
extesive adhesiolysis.
It was coded as 15734x2, 49565 and 49568.
Was anything missed?
was the removal of mesh due to infection?
was the advancement flap due to the removal of the previous myofasical flap. Were two done due to closing the original flap site?
OP note would be helpful if you can attach.
Hernia codes are right the 15734 is right pending size
If removal of mesh was due to infection this is an INPT procedure 11008
If the site of flap needed another flap for closure I got 14000 pending size of course