Question Heres a fun one -- rn in home & dr via telehealth

Summerville, SC
Best answers
Most important, we are a wound clinic not a home health agency.

Traditionally, when we see patients at home, the billing provider and a clinician go to the home together.

However, management now wants just an RN to go to the home and the billing provider be "present" via video telehealth. The RN may be performing procedures within their scope.

The question --
is this billed as a home visit (ems 99341 - 99350)
or telehealth (ems 99441 - 99443)
I don't think the telehealth codes listed 99441-99443 would be correct as these are defined as telephone E&Ms. You stated that your physician would be present via video telehealth. You might want to revisit what codes could be billed for the physician's telehealth E&M services may or may not be billable.