Wiki Hemorrhoidectomy procedures


Dimondale, MI
Best answers
Help please... is there someone out there that can help me determine when I am coding these procedures how to tell if a Single column/Group is being done or Two Column/Group is being done. Here is a example of our documentation on a Internal/External Hemorrhoidectomy

The patient was taken to the Operating Room Suite. After induction of a
general anesthetic, he was placed in the lithotomy position. He was then prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A bivalve speculum was inserted. The enlarged prolapsed hemorrhoid was grasped with an Allis clamp and removed at its base using the Harmonic scalpel. Smaller hemorrhoids were destroyed using electrocautery leaving normal mucosa between the areas of excision. 20 mL of 0.25% Marcaine plain was injected for postoperative analgesia. Dibucaine ointment and sterile dressings were applied.

Any information would be much appreciated....
If this is all of the note then the doctor didn't specify. They should specify how many colums and groups and the clock location or right lateral column, left lateral column, etc