Wiki Hemorrhage control

Lansing, MI
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My surgeon re-opened a mastectomy for wound exploration and control of bleeding. I am having trouble locating a code. Would appreciate help. Thanks!
Did you check code 19020? This is for mastotomy with exploration or drainage of abscess. Since you state he did exploration and control of bleeding, it seems this code would suffice. The CDR explains the code as "physician makes an incision in the skin of the breast over the site of an abscess or suspicious tissue for exploration or drainage. The infected cavity is accessed and specimens for culture are taken before the cavity is irrigated with warm saline solution. Bleeding vessels may be tied or cauterized. If no abscess or suspicious tissue is found, the wound is closed with sutures. In the case of an abscess, the wound is usually loosely packed with gauze to promote free drainage rather than being closed with sutures." Be sure to add the appropriate modifier since this is in the global period.