Heme positive stool

792.1 is correct - to code it you would go to "findings, abnormal, without diagnosis" in ICD-9 and then go to "stool" - under that you would find 'occult' - and this is a code under 'signs, symptoms and ill-defined conditions' so you aren't giving someone a diagnosis but rather a symptom
I agree with Lisa and LRing

Occult blood means the blood is hidden to the eye. When a hemoccult test comes back positive for this hidden blood, you should use 792.1 (Nonspecific abnormal findings in stool contents). Blood in the stool that is visible, appearing as either bright red streaks or tarry black stools, you should use 578.1
How do you determine if heme positive stool refers to occult blood or simply blood in stool. My understanding of an occult DX is that the patient has provided fecal smears on three successive days. I would think that would need to be documented in order to use 792.1.
As you know, the hemoccult test screens for blood in the stool. It detects a small trace of blood visible to the naked eye. Blood which is hidden from view is referred to as "occult" bleeding. Hemoccult = hidden blood=729.1