Wiki Hematology/Oncology Coding - We are trying to do a Pro Forma


Nicholls, GA
Best answers
Good Afternoon!
We are trying to do a Pro Forma for our administrative team for a Hem/Onc service line. We currently have two providers who are interested in providing these services and administration has asked us to perform a Pro Forma. Unfortunately, this is a new service line for us and one that I am not familiar with. The provider gave us a list of procedures he does but did not have access to the coding/billing for these services. I would greatly appreciate some help/guidance so I can provide accurate reimbursement data. The services are as follows and come directly from the provider, I need to know what codes are used when billing these services:
Chemo Infusions
Potassium (I am not sure if he means infusions or not, but I would assume so)
Procrit Injections
Iron Injections
IV Infusions
Port Flushes
Labs (nothing but the word lab so I would greatly appreciate top lab tests that are most commonly performed in a Hem/Onc practice)

I know this is very general, but it's all I am working with at this time and the provider(s) will not provide us with any contact information at this time in order for us to get appropriate coding. I was hoping this wonderful resource could provide some guidance.

Thank you all in advance!!!

you can respond to this thread or call me at 912-260-5379.
We are trying to do the proforma for both the facility side and the professional side. Our hospital will be doing the facility billing for these and we will do the pro fee billing so I need both sides if possible. The services provided will all be done in the outpatient setting within our hospital. We have an Endo/SSU area in the main part of our hospital and these services will be performed there. Hopefully that helps explain.
Thank you for reaching out on my request.
We are a facility owned outpatient cancer center and do split billing for the facility and professional fees. We do hematology as well as medical and radiation oncology for six providers. I am not exactly sure what you need but I would be glad to try to help. I will try to give you a call next week.
Thank you so much for offering your assistance. I would definitely like a call if you don't mind. I will be in my office for most of the time the remainder of this week. You can call me at your convenience at 912-260-5379. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you again.
hem/onc coding

Do you mind if I shoot you an email and ask you a few questions regarding the split billing set up you have?
