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Does anyone have a cheat sheet for cardiology? I have 92980 and 92458 going out together, do not know when modifiers are needed or not. any help would be appreciated.
thanks KP:confused::confused:
Does anyone have a cheat sheet for cardiology? I have 92980 and 92458 going out together, do not know when modifiers are needed or not. any help would be appreciated.
thanks KP:confused::confused:

The latest CCi edits bundle the heart cath codes with the intervention (stents/plasty etc) codes. You should apply modifier 59 to any diagnostic heart cath procedure codes when performed at the time of intervention.

HTH :)
I have another question on the report for a stress test or a transthoracic echo, how can I figure out what is the dx following the procedure. I have doctors doing the tte for sob of course medicare doesnot pay.
conclusion: there is normal left ventricular systolic funtion. the rt ventrical was thickness is midly increased, Unable to estimate the rt ventricular systolic pressure. ALL valves are structurally and functionally normal with no hemodynamically significant valve disease.
is there a dx here or not one. thanks kp