Wiki help with tummy tuck procedure

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Can anyone tell me all the diagnosis codes I can use for abdominoplasty, panniculectomy/lipoectomy and is there instances that a hernia repair would also be done with these procedures code 49560. I am trying to bundle procedure codes with all available icd-9 codes or where can i look to cross-reference these codes. Help if you can
the following dx codes may be used;

278.00 Obesity, unspecified
278.01 Morbid obesity
278.02 Overweight
278.1 Localized adiposity
701.9 Unspecified hypertrophic and atrophic condition of skin
729.39 Panniculitis of other sites
V45.86 Bariatric surgery status - Gastric banding status, Gastric bypass status for obesity , Obesity surgery status

hernia repairs are sometimes performed in conjunction with pani/abdom/lipect procedures. although mod-59 would need to be appended to CPT 15830. otherwise, a denial will ensue. also, if this pt is post-weight loss/bariatric surgery, add V45.86.
