Wiki Help With Surgery Coding References


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I have been coding radiology for 12 years now and I have just taken a position that will be coding for surgeons. I would love if anyone has some great sources for education. I have no surgery background whatsoever. My new job has offered to pay for a class/seminar for some general training. I have heard ZHealth but is there any others or any program in particular that someone can suggest? I am starting my new job in 2 weeks and have to come up with something by that time. Please, any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also, I am going to be doing E/M and have no experience with those codes either. I can read up on those in the books but are there any sites that offer guidelines or how to's? Thank you so much for your time.
Jennifer, CPC
What type of surgery coding will you be doing? Check out for helpful surgery coding tips and is a free website that is very helpful for E&M coding. If you will be doing Ortho I've got several awesome ortho websites to suggest! Good luck!
There are so many good resources. Using this forum is a great help also! There is so much that you can learn right here. Good luck!!
Thanks. I will be doing every type of surgery except ortho. :) Although, I wouldn't mind learning that some day! I would like to find a site that might even have a disc to purchase that I can refer back to if necessary. If someone has a suggestion on that, I appreciate it. Thanks for the suggestions so far. :)