Wiki Help with Shoulder Scope Coding Please


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"There was evidence of a rotator cuff tear anteriorly. This was debrided with a 4.0 suction shaver. The biceps tendon had ruptured previously. Debridement was carried out at the insertion point of the stump with a 4.0 suction shaver as well as the Arthrocare Wand. The gleno/humeral joint revealed no significant chondromalacia.
The scope was entered into the subacromial space. A bursectomy was carried out. Inferior spurs along the acromion were removed with the burr, and approximately 1 cm of the distal clavicle was excised with the burr. The rotator cuff was then explored from the bursal side. The anterior tear was localized and debrided with a 4.0 suction shaver. There was no retraction of the tendon. A FiberTape was placed across the tear and then an Arthrex BioComposite Anchor 4.75 x 19.1 mm was placed without complication. The repair was watertight. It was stable throughout range of motion.
Copious irrigation was carried out, the scope removed and the portals closed."

I have 29827, 29824 and 29826. I am wondering about the 29823. I have the debridement of the biceps tendon anchor stump, with a 727.62 diagnosis code. However, I am really confused regarding the bursectomy. Can I code that out? It does not state that the patient had bursitis. If I include the bursectomy, that would warrant a 29823, but what diagnosis code could I attach for it?
Also, if this patient is a Medicare patient, can I still code out for ALL the work performed, or only the 29827?
Pleasantly Confused.......:confused: