Wiki Help with pump 96416 and 5 FU


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We had a patient yesterday that we administered 5FU via IV infusion pump, prolonged. Last night his dog got twisted up in the pump and he ended up in ER and pump was disconnected and the drug was disgarded. Today he is in our office so we can refill the 5FU. We already billed for the drug yesterday so how should be bill for this unfortunate accident and what modifier would we need to use for the pump and/or drug? This is a brand new one on me. Is there documentation anywhere about this type of incident?
Teresa Wilson
Compliance Auditor, CHONC
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Interesting question, certainly plausible. The drug should be able to be replaced by the drug company since it was not given to the patient and you cannot bill twice, I would contact them first. But I think you would have to send in documentation to prove any infusion coding. Just my thoughts to a tricky situation.