Wiki Help with PRP injection coding


Edison, NJ
Best answers
Does anyone have any information regarding PRP injections. I know it should be reported with CPT code 0232T. However, I am wondering if there is a supply code we can use for the use of the machine. We rent our machine from a vendor. Patients are normally self pay for this procedure but since it is now on the Horizon and CMS fee schedule for $43.00, the cost of the machine is way more then what ins allows. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Do you have any CMS links for that fee schedule and/or the private insurance please?

Thanks in advance.
Looking at the code description everything is included as well as the imaging guidance

Do you have any CMS links for that fee schedule and/or the private insurance please?

Thanks in advance.

It will depend on the MAC. Its a carrier priced code. I'm doing a fee schedule for Alabama right now and its still not valued.

I still don't see that its covered by CMS unless its related to a clinical trial. Remember a rate assignment doesn't guarantee coverage.
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Just curious as this office has had several claims from late last year concerning PRP injections. None have been paid by the private insurance.

Thank you for the feedback.
It's our understanding that insurance will pay if it is performed by a Phlebotomist only. We have never received any payment from carriers when our Ortho Surgeons perform the service.
Our rep gave us some paperwork on billing the PRP injection - though this is only done as self pay as none of our payers will authorize the treatment since it is experimental. We have been informed to bill only the 0232T - this, for now, includes everything that the procedure entails.