Wiki help with number of systems evaluated


True Blue
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Can you please help me decipher the systems that were evaluated in this documentation? Awake, alert, nad, looking around, perrl eomi mmm no LAD, no exudates. No meningeal signs, nontoxic well appearing, ctab good ae bilat rrr nl sls2 soft nd nt nabs maew nl cap refill.

Thanks for your help.
Constitutional (General) ----NAD, AAOX4, No acute distress, alert, awake, and oriented times 4 to name,
place, time, purpose,

NECK ------- (LAD) lymphadenopathy
HEENT-------MMM, EOMI, PERRLA,mucous membranes moist, extraocular muscles intact, pupils equally round and reactive to light and accommodation.

CV: cardiovascular-----RRR(Regular rate and rhythm) , S1S2 nl(S1 and S2 are normal) Normar capillary refill,

Lungs---------CTAB(Clear to auscultation bilaterally)

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