Wiki help with number of elements


True Blue
Best answers
HPI: patient presents with fall. He was walking and he fell today. Does not know if he passed out. States nothing like that has ever happened to him before. Denies focal numbness, weakness, headache or dizziness. No nausea or emesis. Denies chest pain or shortness of breath.

Thank you for any help.
HPI: patient presents with fall. He was walking and he fell today. Does not know if he passed out. States nothing like that has ever happened to him before. Denies focal numbness, weakness, headache or dizziness. No nausea or emesis. Denies chest pain or shortness of breath.

Thank you for any help.

Context-fell while walking
Assc S/S-Denies focal numbness, weakness,h/a, dizziness, etc.

In what context is the patient being evaluated? Is there an injury that could give you a specific body part for Location? Pain...could give quality or severity?

Just a couple of my thoughts...