Wiki Help with level of exam


Troy, MT
Best answers
The whole note meets level 4 NP but this exam is throwing me off. I keep going to a level 2. Advice? Am I over thinking? Thanks.

Physical Examination

On examination, she is a healthy young adult female. She is in a sling on her right arm. She has normal symmetry and normal appearance of both lower extremities. She has no lateral joint line tenderness. She is distinctly tender at the medial joint line. There is no tenderness over the tibial tubercle, the patellar tendon, and patella. There is full extension. She has pain with forced flexion. McMurray maneuver is painful, but there is no click appreciated. Collaterals are stable to varus and valgus stress at 0 and 30 degrees flexion. Lachman is negative. Anterior posterior drawer are negative. Strength is

Here we can take the examination as detailed examination, as provider done detailed examination on Musculoskeletal and general examination, where detailed examination require 2-7 systems. Here, one organ system exam done in detail, so we can go ahead and bill level 3 NP E/M service.

Hari Krishna. V CPC