Wiki help with knee surgery coding 29999 + 29877


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The patient was met ln the preoperative holding area and the right lower extremity was marked with indelible ink. We once again reviewed Informed consent with the patient All questions were answered. The patient met with the anesthesia team and was then brought back to the operating room suite and positioned supine on the operating room table with all bony prominences and neurovascular structures well padded. General anesthe,ia was administered. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in usual sterile orthopedic fashion. Surgical time-out was performed confirming the correct patient correct procedure, correct extremity, correct laterality, preoperative administration of antibiotics, and all in the room were In agreement. The procedure was then begun.

We began the procedure by making standard anterolateral and anteromedial portals for right knee arthroscopy. The arthroscope was inserted Into the anterolateral portal. Complete diagnostic arthroscopy was performed. She did have Intact chondral surface in patellofemoral and medial compartment and had Intact medial and lateral menlscus. Within the compartments, we did not localize any loose bodies. We did not find any loose bodies In the notch. She did have a loose osseous fragment associated with the Inferior pole of her patella and a loose osteophyte on the medial edge of the central troohlea, lnteracting with the patell. We did use graspers to remove these loose poirtns of the osteophyte and then used shaver to further debride these down to a stable base. We did debride notable fibrous tissue and debrided the patellofemoral compartment. We pelformed chondroplast:v of loose chondral fragments. We did use an accessory superolateral portal to aid in this. There was be diffuse grade 4 loss of the undersurface of the patella
with siignificant change in bony contour. Furthermore, there was substantial change to the trochlea as well with large osteophytes on both edges. We ensured there was loose debris and then drainefdthe knee Joint of fluid. Portals were closed with buried 3-0 Monocryl suture. Sten-Strips were ·applied. Sterile dressing was applied. The patient was woken from anesthesia and taken to recovery in stable condition with no known complicatlon.

is the unlisted code 29999 + 29877 correct? or just 29877?
Why would you code a 29999? What procedure would that be for? What were the diagnoses on the op note? What was the main intent of going in for the case? Have you looked through the scope codes for loose body information with regard to knee scopes?
the provider billed the 29999. the dx were M17.11 unilateral primary osteoarthritis, M25.761 osteophyre and M23.41 loose body. the original codes requeted were 29874 and 29877. I am conducting a review and all I have is the op report above and do not think that 29999 is substantiated.
Looks like 29999 is trying to be coded to get around the fact that 29874 bundles with 29877. Since the documentation does not indicate the size and that it is at least the size of the cannula or larger, and LB removal is inclusive, it's not supported imo.