Wiki Help with IVC Filter Retrieval & PTA IVC


Lancaster, OH
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I know that the filter procedure bundles the u/s for access, follow up venocavagrams, cath palcement etc.

My question is should the PTA of the Vena Cava be billed, 35476, 75978 also OR is it considered part of the Filter removal procedure, 37193??? I'm not sure where to find this answer.

The IVC filter was removed, which is 37193, then upon inspecting the filter, "there was a significant amount of intimal tissue attached to the apex of the filter. A completion cavogram was performed and demostarted a significat stenosis greater than 60% w/i the vena cava at the level of the filter. We felt this was a combonation of venous spasm as well as intimal hyperplasia and scarring at the site of the filter. We then crossed this area with a wire and performed a low pressure balloon angioplasty using a 16mm x 4cm balloon. Completion angio demonstarted less than 40% residual stenosis."

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
I know that the filter procedure bundles the u/s for access, follow up venocavagrams, cath palcement etc.

My question is should the PTA of the Vena Cava be billed, 35476, 75978 also OR is it considered part of the Filter removal procedure, 37193??? I'm not sure where to find this answer.

The IVC filter was removed, which is 37193, then upon inspecting the filter, "there was a significant amount of intimal tissue attached to the apex of the filter. A completion cavogram was performed and demostarted a significat stenosis greater than 60% w/i the vena cava at the level of the filter. We felt this was a combonation of venous spasm as well as intimal hyperplasia and scarring at the site of the filter. We then crossed this area with a wire and performed a low pressure balloon angioplasty using a 16mm x 4cm balloon. Completion angio demonstarted less than 40% residual stenosis."

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

I think the PTA is part of the filter removal. The stenosis was caused by the removal, there is no documentation of stenosis prior to.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC