Wiki Help with Inpatient Psychiatric Consultation Coding


Flat Rock, NC
Best answers
On an inpatient basis: a psychiatrist consults a patient for "mental status and psychiatric diagnosis" evaluation. The very next day, a psychiatrist from same group, same TIN, does a consultation for "mental competency". Can there be TWO consults on an inpatient basis for same group same specialty within that close of a time frame - same hospital stay? Please help
Only one consultation per admission

CPT states that only one consultation should be reported by a consultant per admission. I would think that two physicians in the same group would be considered one consultant.
Inpatient Consults

I agree and that is what was agreed upon by other coder who looked at it. However, it is being argued the fact by a CCS that you can re-consult for a different reason. On 12-28-09 the consultation was for "Mental Status". The consult on 12-29-09 was for "Competency for Decision Making". However, the same diagnosis was used for both consults. This would make it non-complaint -correct?