Wiki Help with Hospital Care & Procedure Charges for Medicare Patient


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I work for a multispecialty practice & we're trying to bill for our GI provider's services on a patient admitted to the hospital for an unrelated condition.
On the same day, our GI saw patient for subsequent hospital care (99232) and also performed a lesion removal colonoscopy (45385). These services were billed out on separate claims to Medicare. Medicare is now denying the 99232, stating that "the service/procedure requires that a qualifying service/procedure be received and covered."
I know that there is a modifier that needs to be added to the 99232 (& maybe even the 45385), but I can't remember what it is. (Per the Medicare website, all of the other services/service dates are still pending.)

Any help that y'all can provide on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance!
Why were these billed out as separate claims? It should have all been submitted on one claim, I am thinking a 25 modifier on the visit but without the notes it is hard to say.