Wiki Help with home care coding

Muskegon, MI
Best answers
Wednesday- 8 hrs plus drsg change
6 hrs CM- Reviewed communication logs from last month. Scheduling and staffing. Visit to client home for patient assessment, narcotic count, wound care and bowel program due to nurse calling in today. Wound had copious amounts of slough, wound debrided and Oasis applied. Douderm changed and Benson Bottom Paint applied for skin protection. Yeast rash present under left breast fold, Nystatin applied after cleansing and drying. See assessment form. Education and encouragement provided to patient regarding pressure reliefs and wound healing. Training provide to new staff member in patient home on positioning and wound care. Documentation. Communication with the DME regarding wrong products sent. Please send reply to

Do I just code the visit or the procedures too or are they included? What visit code would you use?
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