Wiki help with elements


True Blue
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Please give me other opinions on number of elements in this HPI.

Patient seen here early today with c/o insomnia and medications not working, arrives via law enforcement on ECO. Patient apparently left ED and went to sheriff's office stating she had no place to go and how could she get in jail. She reportedly then walked out into the street.

Thanks for any help.
Please give me other opinions on number of elements in this HPI.

Patient seen here early today with c/o insomnia and medications not working, arrives via law enforcement on ECO. Patient apparently left ED and went to sheriff's office stating she had no place to go and how could she get in jail. She reportedly then walked out into the street.

Thanks for any help.

At best I think there are 3 elements; meds not working=Modifying factor, arrives via law enforcement on ECO=Context, walked out into the street=Associated signs/symptoms.

Other opinions?
I see two...

Only for the meds not working and going to the sherrif office (modifying factors and context). Not sure about walking in the street being a S/S being a symptom, mainly because of the other information about wanting to go to jail. But then, maybe I am just being too conservative...:eek:
3 hpi

Duration - "early today"
Modifying factors - "meds not working"
Context - "arrives via law enforcement ... "

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC