Wiki Help with E/M codes

Dalton, PA
Best answers
Hi everyone. I am in need of some help regarding E/M coding. Ex: PT comes in on 7/15/2011 with CPT code 99202 DX 238.2. He then comes in 10 days later with CPT 99213 and same DX of 238.2. Would there be a modifier of -24? Our doctors are questioning the use of -24 modifier for PTs that only have E/M services done. They are wanting documentation showing how a global period pertains if there was no surgery ever performed.

Any feedback is appreciated.
No modifier is needed for a return visit unless the patient had surgery and is still in the post-op period.

ex: pt had cataract surgery on the right eye (90-day global), pt comes in a few days later with pain the the left eye. Since the pain in left eye is not related to the cataract surgery in the right eye, you would append modifier -24 to the e/m code as well as modifier -LT to let insurance know it's not related to surgery.

In regards to global periods, you can go to your local Medicare website or Medicare/CMS will have a list of procedures and what the global period is for that procedure or if the procedure has a global period.