Wiki Help with DX

knoxville, TN
Best answers
Stage IA squamous cell carcinoma of the right lung, s/p lobectomy, to continue surveillance. Clinically there is no evidence of recurrence.

Do I use history of lung cancer as primary or is there a code for surveillance?
Did you look at Z08 with Z90.2 and Z85.118

1. Z08 (Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm)
2. Z90.2 (Acquired absence of lung [part of])
3. Z85.118 (Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung)

hope this helps
Did you look at Z08 with Z90.2 and Z85.118

1. Z08 (Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm)
2. Z90.2 (Acquired absence of lung [part of])
3. Z85.118 (Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung)

hope this helps

Is this for an post-op visit during the global period? If so, I would use Z48.3(encounter for aftercare of the neoplasm) and also code the cancer itself to show which lung was affected (ei: C34.12). You could use Z90.2 as well. I believe the Z08 code used more for completion of treatment involving chemo/radiation therapy.

It's always been tricky but at the STS meetings it has been discussed that if a patient has had resection of the cancer and is not currently undergoing any other treatment then the Z85.118 is appropriate but I usually hold off on using that code until after the global period.

D. Vance, CPC, CCVTC