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Bronx, NY
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INDICATION: Breech birth

FINDINGS: Imaging of the neonatal hps is perfromed with a linear 7 MHz tranducer. Images were perfromed axially and coronally. Images are obtained in the neutral, flexion and with stress positions.

Each proximal femoral epiphysis appears to be normaly outlines and normally seated within the acetabulum. There is no evidence of dislocation, subluxation, or any abnormality.

IMPRESSION: Normal bilateral neonatal hips.

ADDENDUM: Note should be made that it was not mentioned on the original report that the multiple images obtained and manipulations of the infancts hips were performed by the physician, myself.
here ultrasound has been taken for the neonate to rule out any abnormalities in hip since it is a breech deliv.but impress says no abnormality ,so wat i think either can code v71.89 but sometimes wont pay or 652.21 can be coded . the physician would have manipulated as said in addendum but now the hips are normal
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V71.89 will not pay due to age this code is for 29 days old and up if this is a newborn then use V29.8 also the 652.2 code is for the mother only not the baby. So I go for V29.8 followed by 763.0