Wiki help with debridement procedure


True Blue
Best answers
Can I please get opinions on CPT for this procedure:

Procedure: gentle debridement of apparent folliculitis performed under sterile precautions. Wound area cleaned with iodine and then unroofed with 11 blade scalpel. There is a mild amount of thick purulence that is gently expressed from wound. It is suspicious for early abscess so will cover with short course of PO abx with MRSA coverage.

Thanks for any help.
Can I please get opinions on CPT for this procedure:

Procedure: gentle debridement of apparent folliculitis performed under sterile precautions. Wound area cleaned with iodine and then unroofed with 11 blade scalpel. There is a mild amount of thick purulence that is gently expressed from wound. It is suspicious for early abscess so will cover with short course of PO abx with MRSA coverage.

Thanks for any help.

I might try 97597 for this. An I & D code feels like too much of a stretch, but it does read like active wound care management with sharp selective debridement.