Wiki Help with coding Excision of granulation tissue, vaginal repair 6 mo after delivery

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Hello-I am looking for some assistance of coding for the above procedure, diagnosis is persistent granulation tissue at the OB laceration site. She delivered in 8/2022 and was treated with silver nitrate at her postpartum visit as well as 3 additional times after that. She continues to have pain and worsening symptoms. The physician now is going to be excising the granulation tissue, vaginal repair. Looking for any suggestions on this as far as CPT. I have billed in the past the 58999 when non-OB related but this being related to a 3rd degree laceration I am looking for some guidance. Thank you in advance!
Hi Kknelson
Id code the above with dx T81.32D, then dx L92.8, Z87.59 and treatment with CPT 57285 and 56800. Well hope this works :)
Lady T