Wiki help with choosing E/M codes

Loganville, GA
Best answers
Good day everyone. I need help with better understanding of how to select proper E/M codes. I know the guidelines are in the CPT book but what my textbook states is somewhat a little different in the coding tips box. I guess I'm just confused.

One scenario was An outpatient office visit consult in which the physician performed a detailed history, comprehensive physical exam, and a MDM of moderate complexity. My teacher and the answer say 99243.
I thought it was 99244
Try and remember to at the top of the table if your using the one in the cpt book to see if you need 3/3 or 2/3 for what your coding. Remember if you have a comp exam but only detailed history it makes that section detailed. You have to go by the lower one. That is how I have remembered it.