Wiki Help with a procedure, please


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I wonder if someone could help me with the procedure code that I would use for the removal of a metallic FB (U-shaped construction staple) from the bone? I'm having trouble finding a code that seems to fit the procedure note. There is no mention of a fracture or exploration to find the FB. Of course we did a digital block and administration of IV narcotic.:confused:
Thanks so much in advance.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas or direction to find the correct CPT code.

I have attached the procedure note below:

Description of procedure: Initial X-Ray demonstrates findings consistent with bone penetration by the staple. The exposed staple edges, beneath the surface of the board, were cut flush with the use of hand-held lineman pliers. The presenting finger components of the glove that was being worn at the time of the injury were removed from the digits 2 through 4. Initial brief attempts were made (unsuccessfully) to gently separate the flexor aspect of the distal phalanx of the finger from the horizontal surface of the board, with use of a wonder-bar and hammer from a proximal to distal approach beneath the finger. The remaining glove fabric fragments were then gently excised to localize the area of the cutaneous defect. Ths was in fact just to the radial aspect of the complete fingernail of the distal phalanx of the left 2nd finger. The radial (lateral) aspect of the fingernail itself had been disrupted from the underlying tissue-margin, and was thus slightly elevated. A proximal finger tourniquet was fabricated with use of a rubber band and hemostat. The area of the cutaneous defect was additionally cleansed with Betadine and sterile saline. The head of the staple was noted to be approximately 1 mm beneath the level of the skin, and was able to be grasped and then removed intact with use of cleansed hand-held lineman pliers. The area was then copiously irrigated with 500 ml of sterile saline under pressure. The complete area was then re-cleansed with Betadine and sterile saline. Following this, the radial aspect of the nail was secured with 4-0 Ethilon time 2 interrupted sutures, and the skin defect by 5-0 Ethilon times 2 interrupted sutures.