Wiki Help with 99232 & Global Surgical Package


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I have a question about inpatient hospital visits during the global timeframe. Here's the situation: The patient was seen in the ER on 3/12/10 for an abscess/finger infection from a metal splinter. Was later admitted to the hospital and surgery was performed on 3/12/10. The patient remained in the hosptial from 3/12/10-3/22/10 (discharge date was 3/22). The operating physician follows up with the patient and is billing 99232 for 3/13, 3/14, 3/15, 3/16, 3/18, and bills 99239 on 3/22/10.

My question is, would these inpatient visits be included as part of the global surgical package? To explain a little further, the patient developed sepsis and the physician was seeing the patient to monitor this condition along with "extensive cellulitis" and "tenosynovitis". I have reviewed copies of the inpatient notes, and the physician documents that he is evaluating the wound site & applying dressing changes. The physician also indicates that he has requested further evaluation from Infectious Disease for consultation of management of antibiotics.

Any advice/or suggestions on billing 99232 global surgical package?

You need to check with the patient's insurance carrier and how they determine global packages. My Medicare states that problems that arise (infections) from the surgery are considered part of the global however I have commercial carriers that don't follow that guideline.
Ok-thank you for the reply. This is actually for a worker's compensation claim, so I guess the final decision will be up to the Bureau of Worker's Compensation!