Wiki Help w/ coding extensive surgery


Jackson, TN
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Our coding department is stuck.... Our surgeon performed several surgeries and I know some are inclusive with others but I need help or a direction to follow

1. exploratory laparotomy
2. lysis of extensive intraabdominal adhesions
3. excision of a severely adherent large abdomnial wall repair mesh with enterotomy due to very severly adherent bowel, which could not be otherwise excised from the mesh.
4. Abdominal wall component seperation w repair of recurrent incisional hernia
5. Repair of small bowel enterotomy
Check the CPT Assistant articles referenced next to the codes in CPT. Refer to the NCCI Edit Policy Manual, particularly chapter I, pages I-3, I-4, and I-9.
Please post in GENERAL SURGERY forum

Please post your question in the GENERAL SURGERY forum. This is the employment forum.

Also, for an accurate response to surgical coding questions, always post the scrubbed op note with your question.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC