Wiki Help! Tee


Tarboro, NC
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I have a few Transesophageal Echocardiograms here and they are dictated the same way: Despite multiple attempts, unable to advance TEE probe into esophgus...

Does this mean I don't charge for this procedure or do I add a modifier -52??

Can someone PLEASE help me with this :eek:
I'm wondering if you could use modifier -53 with this since it reads to me like the physician tried to do the TEE, but couldn't because he/she couldn't get the probe into the esophagus, let alone past it.

To me, if I saw a claim with modifier -52 on it for a TEE, I would think that the physician did the TEE, but something happened and only a portion of the TEE code was done.

Just my $.02 for what it's worth. :)
Thank you John :) that helps me alot! Sometimes it helps to get someone elses perspective, so I appreciate your reply. Have a happy and safe holiday!