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Marrero, LA
Best answers
Can someone please direct me in the right direction to locate the guidelines that state: if you charge a OV, Injection, and adminstration code that the adminstration DX needs to be different from the OV and injection?
Can someone please direct me in the right direction to locate the guidelines that state: if you charge a OV, Injection, and adminstration code that the adminstration DX needs to be different from the OV and injection?

If a significant separately identifiable evaluation and management service is performed, the appropriate E & M code should be reported utilizing modifier 25 in addition to the chemotherapy administration or nonchemotherapy injection and infusion service. For an evaluation and management service provided on the same day, a different diagnosis is not required.

Page 35
Thanks for your help...but maybe I should give this example

CC: Cough
injection given
Should adminstration be charged?


CC: chronic conditions F/U HTN DM
during exam patient complains of cough - injection is given
should the adminstration be charged?

Thanks again for all the help
without the complete note it is impossible to give a definitive answer, however on the face of what is stated I will say it appears that yes you can charge the ov and the administaration code.