Wiki Help pls w/dx codes


Dryden, MI
Best answers
Patient is getting EGD due to pins being seen on X-ray by referring provider. Patient admits swallowing glass and batteries the previous week. EGD is done and nothing is found-no foreign objects and no tears anywhere.

The best I've come up with is encounter for suspected disease/condition ruled out but not sure if it will get paid with that dx.

I can't seem to find any history codes for swallowing foreign objects only current codes.

I'm thinking history of mental illness but that is not documented.

What about one of the R93 dx's--abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging and the condition not found/ruled out dx ?
The pins were found on an X-ray done by the referring provider-not the GI doctor doing the EGD-is it still ok to use that dx code then? Thank you for your response.
I would think so since the ref dr does not perform the procedure , it would be a follow up to the xray findings