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Stockton, CA
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Can someone please help me on this, ER Dr. A did all the workup and he consulted Internal Med team pt was admitted, his E/M level is only 99283 (he isn't very good at documentation), as pt going up to floor pt collapsed Dr. B started CPR, Intubated, and did a Femoral line now I am kind of confused as to how to code for both Dr's , our hosp has a policy that the person who discharges pt his name is what is on the chg which is Dr. A, but this looks to me like critical care by Dr. B so I really don't know what I should do, can I ask Dr. B about critical care and if he says yes can I give Dr. A his E/M level I didn't think I could but not sure (both are ER Dr.s) we code for both facility and profee..any and all help is appreciated..alice
Critical Care

Critical Care time is EXCLUSIVE of any separately reportable procedures ... CPR, intubation and femoral line are all separately reportable procedures.

I would code the E/M to Doc A as s/he documented.
I would code the procedure to Doc B as performed & documented.

If both these physicians are in the same practice and of the same specialty, then you will need a modifier on the E/M.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC