Wiki Help please?

Edmonds, WA
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Hello, can someone please give me some tips on how to know which terms to look up in the CPT book when you have a surgery scenario or any type of procedure the patient might be having done? I have the study guide just bought it a month ago but I am having trouble figuring out what to look under in the index. any advice,tips, etc.. would be greatly appreciated. having just a couple min, to find something is challenging enough but knowing where to look would be half the battle.

Thank You for reading.
You have a few options to look up as your main term:

Name/Type of procedure (i.e. Debridement, Incision, Fasciotmomy, etc)
Anatomic site (i.e. Clavicle, Eye, etc)
Eponym (i.e. Fowler-Stephens, McBride, etc)
Condition (Fracture, Lesion, Cyctitis, etc)