Wiki Help please with stress test 2 day and coverage


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#1 02-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Contributor Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 18

coverage and also stress testing


New to coverage and cardiology.

Our doctor is covering for another physician in town and we are seeing his patient. Do we just bill a regular IH visit rather than a New patient visit since we did not admit.

Also, we do stress test's in two days two different views how would we bill for in office stress in two days?

please help with my questions, thanks
Where was the patient seen _ POS 21/22/11? You could bill a new patient code as long as your doc does not share the same tx id but from your post, it seems they are separate entities.

If your doc saw the patient in the hospital as a consult, use the consult codes, unless it's medicare (some of your HMO carriers might have followed CMS too); you'll have to bill 99221-99223 (use AI modifier if your physician is admitting)

In patient - 99251-99255
Out-patient 99241-99245

I'm not sure I follow you on the stress test because we do not typically perform them over two days. But if your physcian is performing all aspects in office and owns the equipment, then you can bill: 93015

Otherwise you may have to bill certain components such as: 93016/93018 which are the professional components only.

When you say two different views, what do you mean? Are you referring to Rest and Stress portions of Nuclear Stress test?

Sorry I can't give you a direct answer.

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I would bill the stress test on the actual day you stressed the patient. I wouldn't bill anything on the day you just obtained the resting images. This is how I have done it in the past.
thank you for your help, as for the visit's yes our doctor is only covering for another doctor in the hosptial (which means we have a seperate tax id). We didnt admit the patient and are only following the patient for coverage - the patient is new to us but we only write a short progress note that states we have covered the patient and what our doctor's review of the patient is. Can we still bill a new patient visit for this coverage since we have never seen the patient but we are covering as a follow up for the other doctor? Also the stress test we bill has been broken into two days for billing first day most of everything is complete in our office then the second day we are doing the resting images -not sure the previous codes have been billed for an exercise stress with myvoiew do you know all the codes we should be using for this two day stress? Thank you for your help.