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What would you code? Thanks

PROCEDURE: Isuprel challenge.

PRE-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: Symptomatic premature ventricular

The patient was referred for a potential EP study and ablation should she
have an increased amount of premature ventricular contractions.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was observed on the table with
12-lead EKG. She had a few premature ventricular contractions
consistent with a left bundle branch inferior axis with the
transition in lead V3 and no subsequent premature ventricular
contractions. Therefore Isuprel was given up to 10 mcg/minute.
During Isuprel infusion and washout the patient had several different
types of premature ventricular contraction morphology, but none of
these appeared to be clinical.

PLAN: Given the above findings there is no need to continue with the
procedure. The best hope will be pace mapping. However, even this
treatment will yield only a
50% success rate. The clinical premature ventricular contraction
appears on the left side, and therefore the risks of continuing the
procedure probably outweigh the benefits. We decided not to proceed.

CONCLUSION: There were a few isolated premature ventricular
contractions noted before starting the case. Despite the high dose
of Isuprel infusion and with exercise the patient s premature
ventricular contraction burden did not increase. Therefore there did
not appear to be a need to proceed with the procedure. The patient
will be prescribed a trial of Verapamil 120 mg a day.
drug challenge

There has been confusion over this senario. Not a clear cut answer but here are a couple of options.

A patient was prepped for an EP study and a 12-lead study showed (whatever) the decision was made to give IV isoprel. There are two coding options: Report the infusion, or use code 93620 with a discontinued modifier (53/73).

These are the only two ways i know to report this case. I would be interested to know how other coders would report this.

I don't have any documentation on this-- but what about a 12 Lead EKG code 93005/93010 and what about an infusion code? 96365 maybe?

96365 Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or drug); initial, up to 1 hour