Wiki HELP PLEASE- Billing a surgery


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My doctor did a Laproscopic Repair of Vaginal Enterocele and Entrolysis of Adhesions when looking for the code I only see options for Entrocele repair by vaginal (57268) or by Abdominal (57270) approach. Can someone please help me.
When talking with the doc he stated we may need to bill an unlisted code?
Thank you :confused:
You've probably already sent this to the insurance company but I would use the enterolysis code 44180 w/ a modifier 22 for increased procedural services. 44180 has higher reimbursement than the open enterocele repair code so even if there was a laparoscopic code you would code the highest level reimbursed which would be the enterolysis of adhesions.
How about if I suggest to opt for 57423 paravaginal defect repair(including repair of cystocele) laparoscopic approach. While cystocele is included , rectocele or enterocele which are also a component of pelvic floor defect could be given the laparascopic code, as they belong to the same group of defect/pathology. We could not find another code with more spcificity.
Modifier -22 for enterolysis