Wiki Help please - been a while since I have seen this


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A little rusty on General Surgery - not my normal speciality but pitching in to help out- so asking you more experienced coders for input, please-

In summary -

Patient had a ERCP for obstructive jaundice. Post ERCP she devleoped abdominal pain and went to ER . CT scan showed she had post ERCP pneumoperitoneum.

Procedure started as Exploratory Lap . Ending up as an open procedure with T Tube in common bile duct. JP Drain around liver. Aspiration of bile. Felciform ligament was taken down to get better view of liver and small bowel . Removal os stent in the common bile duct. Mass in the pancreas with transdudenal biopsies. Closed with staples.

Any help with coding this would be appreciated !

Thank you