Wiki Help!!! Pfannenstiel scar wound exploration


Northeast Kansas AAPC
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Need help with the following:

Patient's right lower abdomen was prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. The area where the palpable nodule was had a thin and atrophic skin over this. This ellipse was used to excise this area. Dissectoni was carried down with electrocaugtery until the fascia was identified. This was then cleared anteriorly. The patient was found to have dense scar tissue on top of the fascia. This was excised. The fascia was intact and there was no evidence of a hernia. The wound was then palpapted and there was no further dense scar tissue present. Hemostasis was achieved within the wound. Local anesthesia was infiltrated into the wound bed. The deep dermal and subcutaneous tissues were then reapproximated with two 4-0 Monocryl sutures. Skin was then closed with a 4-0 nylon since she has had previous tissue reaction to previous suture material. A dry dressing was applied.

Any ideas???
