Wiki help on prolonged service


Best answers
Hi to all,
can anyone help me in understanding prolonged services, had an E/M of 99215 for the visit and extended his service for an hour so i add 99354, he also review the records and past visits after seeing the patient, would it be ok if i will also use the 99358 for the said service???
Can I use a mod 25 for the 99215 to separate it to the 99354 and also use a mod 59 for 99358 to make it distinct to the others?? HELP:eek:
Hi to all,
can anyone help me in understanding prolonged services, had an E/M of 99215 for the visit and extended his service for an hour so i add 99354, he also review the records and past visits after seeing the patient, would it be ok if i will also use the 99358 for the said service???
Can I use a mod 25 for the 99215 to separate it to the 99354 and also use a mod 59 for 99358 to make it distinct to the others?? HELP:eek:

I don't have my books with me but I do believe that the reviewing of records would be included, you need to know exactly how much time he spent above and beyond the 99215, you don't need a 59 modifier. Once I get to work I will get back to you on this, unless someone else responds before.
Thanks rthames052006, i really appreciate you're help. hope to hear from you soon.:)
Prolong Services

Hi to all,
can anyone help me in understanding prolonged services, had an E/M of 99215 for the visit and extended his service for an hour so i add 99354, he also review the records and past visits after seeing the patient, would it be ok if i will also use the 99358 for the said service???
Can I use a mod 25 for the 99215 to separate it to the 99354 and also use a mod 59 for 99358 to make it distinct to the others?? HELP:eek:
Check out this....I was in need of some info on the same topic and found this.....Hope it helps you.....
Hi Roxanne,
Sorry I don't understand "PM'd", What do you mean?


PM'd is private message thru this website, in the upper right hand corner it says in big bold black letters welcome, and then your user name it shows how many private messages you have, if you click on it you would then get to view any messages people have sent you. But it sounds like someone else gave you a link to help you out but if you need anything else feel free to read the message I sent you.
Thank you Roxanne and LOVE2CODE for the help, i do appreciate it, now i understand it:) and now i can smile:) .
Thanks again and God Bless!!:)
