Wiki Help! No job yet..

Lewes Delaware
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Do anyone have any advice how I can stay current with coding? I graduated in August 2012 and I feel I' m starting to forget some of the information I learned since I haven't found a job yet. Any suggestions? I think I might need to refresh my A&P also. Thanks!:confused:

Ashley Risper, CPC-A
Hints for coding practice

AAPC offers practice tests for coding at a reasonable fee. They not only provide you with questions but also the timing needed to maintain speed.
Okay because I already have the practice tests from AAPC and I passed my exam in June. Do they make different practice tests? Or should I just keep retaking what I already have?
Some Ideas...Help! No job yet..

Being a CPC-A is a big challenge because its very hard to gain the experience you need to have that A removed from your title. Look for contract jobs at Xerox and HP. I know that HP has many Medicaid accounts from various states. You can get exposure to your state medicaid that will apply towards your experience. Create a profile on and

If you have some technical experience, try to get into electronic health record application support, ambulatory, revenue capture etc.
Some of these agencies will require that you have some experience in using EPIC, Mc Kesson, Optum, Allscripts, etc in order to be considered as a candidate. Bonus points if you have go-live experience.

As for knowledge, its hard to maintain knowledge of the coding and billing guidelines, however you do get the magazine from AAPC that does provide updates to the guidelines and you can use this to maintain a foundation of coding and billing until you get that job. Check out other web sites for coding and billing guidelines

Look for on call jobs at your local hospitals and clinics. Even as an Admin Clerk you will get your foot in the door for opportunities.

You will have a lot of challenges and work ahead of you to get that opportunity in coding but keep your eyes open and find the best approach to land your next job (contract or full-time).
Buena Suerte, Jeff
Keep going over you practice exams and attend local meetings. Also other members are always asking for help with dx and cpt codes. Try and help them look up the codes and keep reading the forums.

Good luck!