Wiki Help needed for Medicare injections


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We need some help coding and billing Medicare patients that receive an injection.
We are billing out a 99213-25 , 20605, and the meds. The problem we are having is Medicare is not allowing us to use the 715.94 Osteoarthritis of the Hand as a DX. Do you all have another DX that is getting paid?
If you are giving the injection for pain then you need a pain code (338.1x or 338.2x listed first with the 715.94 listed second and link only the pain code to the 20605 and the drug.
Where is injection?

We usually perform this procedure for shoulders and knees using 715.96, 715.91 without a problem but I haven't had experience with the hand. I was thinking....where exactly is the injection? Perhaps because you are coding the 715.94 for the hand they are flagging this as a 20600 for small joint (as in fingers). Is it possible that for the wrist (which would be billable as a 20605) the appropriate Dx would be 715.93 for the forearm?

Just a thought. Otherwise I cannot figure out for the life of me why you would not be getting paid.
Good luck!

You could be having a problem because of the 9 in the 4th digit; we use 715.14, which is more specific and is also accurate.