Wiki Help: Need CPt code changes cardiac from 2010-2015


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I have a project to do listing the changes of CPT codes for cardiac cath, Coronary interventions, EP studies, Device implants, Ablations, and peripheral angio and intervention.

I am looking for a way to look up the cpt code changes over this time period. I would appreciate any suggestions on where to find this information hopefully in a friendly layout.

any help or suggestion would be helpful.... Project due Monday
Wow, that is quite a project..

My first thought is to go to a library (maybe even hospital library) and get ahold of the CPT books from each of those years.

There is an appendix in each CPT book that includes all the additions and deletions for that year.

You will need to know your code ranges, that will give you the hard data.

You may just google and also check the society web pages, they be able to assist. Good luck

Heather Shaw-Hickman, CPC, CIRCC, CCVTC