Wiki Help need 2011 code for OCT

92133- everything you it says "unilateral or bilateral;optic nerve"

92134 " " ;retina
You will use either:
92132 anterior segment; unilateral or bilateral
92133 posterior segment (optic nerve); unilateral or bilateral
92134 posterior segment (retina); unilateral or bilateral

Payment, Documentation and Utilization rules for new codes:

1. You are only getting paid per scan now NOT per eye.

2. You cannot report 92133 & 92134 at the same patient visit

3. Check your Medicare LCDs and Commercial Carrier updates for documentation requirements.

Anterior scan (92132) may be denied as experimental unless your chart documentation reflects the following exceptions:
• Narrow angle, suspected narrow angle, and mixed narrow and open angle glaucoma.
• Determining the proper IOL for a patient who has had prior refractive surgery and
now requires cataract extraction.
• Iris tumor
• Presence of corneal edema or opacity that precludes visualization of the anterior
• Calculation of lens power for cataract patients who have undergone prior refractive
surgery. Payment will only be made for the cataract codes as long as additional
documentation is available in the patient record of their prior refractive procedure.
Payment will not be made in addition to A-scan or IOL master.

4. Utilization Limits (again check you Medicare LCDs)
• Two scans per year for suspected of having or diagnosed with glaucoma.
• One scan every 2 months for primary diagnosis is related to a retinal disease.
• One scan per month for active treatment for macular degeneration or diabetic

Hope this helps.
NOVA Medical Billing, Inc.
2011 code for OCT

We know we can't bill for both the 92133 and the 92134, but what if they are done on the same day? Do you bill the 92133 OR the 92134?

Thank you for any help.