Wiki Help! Measuring lesions


Portland, ME
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Having a huge brain cramp! 3X2 cm back nodule with layered closure (no margins given); and a 4X2 cm elliptical incision for a 1.5X1 cm groin nevus with 5 mm margins. I'm "cramping" on the diameter of the lesions and determining the CPT codes...
Here are measurements

3X2 cm back nodule with layered closure (no margins given) = 3 cm lesion ALSO 3 cm wound for layered closure (can't say it's bigger because you have no measurements for the wound)

4X2 cm elliptical incision = 4 cm length for wound repair (if it's a layered closure)

1.5X1 cm groin nevus with 5 mm margins = lesion size of 2.5 cm (1.5 cm + .5 cm margin + .5 cm margin)

Each lesion is coded separately. But the repairs are added together if they are the same type closure and on the same body area.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC