Wiki Help - Looking for some input


Grand Rapids, MI
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Looking for some input on how to code the following op note: I have 58558 for the hysteroscope with D&C and 58670 for fulguration of oviduct(s) - I'm thinking I need to use the unlisted laparoscopic procedure for the removal of the Filshie clip - never coded this before. The clip is not stated as being "impacted" in the body of the notes so I didn't go with 58562 instead of 58558. Or, is the removal of the clip considered part of the fulguration? Any other ideas/suggestions/input would be great. Thanks in advance!

1. Chronic pelvic pain.
2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
3. History of carcinoma in situ.

1. Chronic pelvic pain.
2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
3. History of carcinoma in situ.
4. Pelvic adhesions and a left Filshie clip was noted on the proximal end of the distal segment of tube.

1. Laparoscopic left tubal removal of Filshie clip or foreign body.
2. Fulguration of the left tube following removal of the Filshie clip.
3. Lysis of adhesions.
4. Hysteroscope with a dilatation and curettage.
Looking for some input on how to code the following op note: I have 58558 for the hysteroscope with D&C and 58670 for fulguration of oviduct(s) - I'm thinking I need to use the unlisted laparoscopic procedure for the removal of the Filshie clip - never coded this before. The clip is not stated as being "impacted" in the body of the notes so I didn't go with 58562 instead of 58558. Or, is the removal of the clip considered part of the fulguration? Any other ideas/suggestions/input would be great. Thanks in advance!

1. Chronic pelvic pain.
2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
3. History of carcinoma in situ.

1. Chronic pelvic pain.
2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
3. History of carcinoma in situ.
4. Pelvic adhesions and a left Filshie clip was noted on the proximal end of the distal segment of tube.

1. Laparoscopic left tubal removal of Filshie clip or foreign body.
2. Fulguration of the left tube following removal of the Filshie clip.
3. Lysis of adhesions.
4. Hysteroscope with a dilatation and curettage.

The removal of the clip is just part of doing the fulguration of the tube...included.